
Smartlab Nepal

Robotics & Automation Company

  • Wesite Design
  • Website Development
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Local SEO

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Buzz has always worked hard to make sure that we're getting what we need out of the partnership.

Bibek Singh - CEO, Smartlab Nepal

About Smartlab Nepal

Smartlab is an innovative initiative trusted by companies by leveraging cutting edge technology powered by AI and machine Learning

Smartlab leverage the power of GPU parallel processing. With the help of NVIDIA Jetson Nano, we are able to build a semi-automatic indoor vehicle.

Project Brief

The website is one of the first life insurance platforms in Canada. The redesign process and quote wizard introduction made the application process easier and faster for clients. On the administration side, it saves

Key Problems

Problem I
Problem I
Problem I
Problem I
Problem I
Problem I

How we Solve the Problem

The website is one of the first life insurance platforms in Canada. The redesign process and quote wizard introduction made the application process easier and faster for clients. On the administration side, it saves

Achievements / Results

The website is one of the first life insurance platforms in Canada. The redesign process and quote wizard introduction made the application process easier and faster for clients. On the administration side, it saves

Custom Projects

We have people of multiple kind in the house. Together we can provide high quality work to satisfy you. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatum dolorum quia quos?

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